We are dedicated to revolutionizing businesses with AI technology
Chatintel.dk combines passion for AI with practical application, offering advanced AI solutions for businesses of all sizes. Our goal is to revolutionize customer service and automate processes through technology. Our team consists of carefully selected professional freelancers who are experts in their field, ensuring both high quality and cost-efficiency.
Vi betragter os selv som din partner i innovation og vækst, klar til at støtte dig med alt fra intelligente chatbots til dybdegående dataanalyse. Kontakt os for at udforske, hvordan vi sammen kan bringe din virksomhed fremad med kraften fra AI.
AI-revolutionen: Hvad fremtiden bringer ifølge Anders Bæk
Moderne AI-chatrobotter, som ChatGPT, har allerede transformeret mange aspekter af vores hverdag, men vi er kun lige begyndt på AI-æraen. Denne teknologi er ved at
Sådan tracker du din Chatbot i Google Analytics og Google Ads
Vi har lavet en lille guide til hvordan du kan tracke brugen af din Chatbot i Google Analytics og Google Ads.
See the numbers: The impact of chatbots on businesses
Statistics and surveys show strong support for chatbots in customer service. Over half of customers believe they effectively resolve complaints and almost 90% have a positive or neutral experience.
3 ways you can use chatbots to create great customer support
Here are three ways chatbots can help you create great customer support in your business.
Warm recommendations
We are super happy with our collaboration with Chat Intel AI. We can clearly see how large parts of our inquiries have already been through both dialog and agreed on what service they want from us. Our AI assistant takes care of our customers when we sleep and on weekends, and that's actually the best part of it all. We have an AI "geek" assigned to us, and he's really good at ensuring that our customer service answers what we want.
Highly recommend it.
Michael Møller
Kløver Entreprise
Efficient 24/7 and cost-saving
If you think about it financially, it can be quite costly to have one person on staff to answer all inquiries, whether it's via chat or phone.
The more inquiries the system can handle that simply result in leads in the inbox without further questions, the better. And the best part is that it works for the company 24/7. I'm looking forward to them implementing it on social media soon as well. This way, AI customer service is supported all around, which is world class! Businesses should take these technologies seriously, because it's a real game changer.